HR Open Standards Consortium

Last Updated: 04/19/2024

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The HR Open Standards Consortium is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of standards for the exchange of data within the human resources (HR) industry. Founded in 1999, the Consortium aims to implement global standards within HR processes and facilitate interoperability between different HR data systems and applications. The consortium is a volunteer-led organization whose membership comprises a diverse range of stakeholders, including HR professionals, technology vendors, and other industry experts. Its membership collaborates to create open standards that can be implemented across various HR software solutions.

Members collaborate through events in working groups and committees to develop and refine HR data standards in areas such as recruiting, benefits administration, and workforce analytics. The collaborative efforts of the consortium aim to address the challenges associated with data exchanges, integration, and interoperability in HR technology. By establishing common data formats and protocols, the Consortium is working towards the development of seamless communication between different HR systems, such as applicant tracking systems, human resource information systems, and talent management platforms.

Founding members include: Accurate, ADP, DirectEmployers Association, HealthEquity, Jobvite, Milch & Zucker, US Chamber of Commerce Foundation


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