
Last Updated: 03/20/2024

Relational Map coming soon. Learn more about the work we’re doing with AI and view our example prototypes here.

IdRamp is a technology company that focuses on creating secure and efficient solutions and products for digital identity management. By focusing on decentralized identity solutions, IdRamp designs products geared towards cybersecurity and online identity security. IdRamp provides products and solutions marketed towards business, organizations, and educational institutions. IdRamp's primary goal is to make it easy for individuals and organizations to manage and share their digital identities in a reliable and trustworthy format.

IdRamp provides learners and educators options for paperless and password-less verifiable credential systems to allow issuance and authentication of:

  • diplomas
  • certifications
  • open badges
  • student identity

These systems are designed and marketed to be utilized in a digital and secure environment across institutions. Their EdTech credential management system is designed to streamline and enhance the authentication and authorization processes within educational technology platforms. Additionally, this system is marketed as having plug-and-play capabilities, allowing it to work with existing identity and education management systems. They aim to ensure the security and integrity of user data while simplifying the user experience for learners, educators, and administrators.

Another aspect of IdRamp's work is in providing a platform designed to allow users to control their online, personal information securely. This would allow individuals to have more power over who can access their data and how it is used. IdRamp's technology is also designed to enable secure communication between different systems and services, potentially reducing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.

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