Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota (GESMN)

Last Updated: 04/23/2024

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Goodwill Easter Seals Minnesota (GESMN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing programs and services for individuals facing barriers to education, employment, and independence. GESMN serves communities across Minnesota by offering a wide range of programs and initiatives aimed at providing career support and job training for individuals with disabilities, economic disadvantages, and other challenges. GESMN engages with elected officials and legislators to promote workforce-related public policy efforts.

The organization provides career training & education initiatives which include job training, college navigation, and job placement, retention, and advancement support services. GESMN offers vocational assessment and training programs designed to equip individuals with the skills and resources necessary to secure and maintain meaningful employment.

Specific employment industries include:

GESMN provides education and workforce development programs and initiatives designed for youth and young adults.

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