Indiana Governor's Workforce Cabinet

Last Updated: 03/21/2024

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The Governor's Workforce Cabinet (GWC) of Indiana is a state agency established to address workforce development and employment-related challenges within the state. The cabinet focuses on aligning Indiana's workforce with the needs of employers, fostering economic growth, and enhancing the overall competitiveness of the state. The cabinet is responsible for coordinating and implementing workforce policies and programs to promote workforce development.

The Governor's Workforce Cabinet collaborates with various stakeholders, including businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations, to identify current and future workforce needs. Through these partnerships, the cabinet aims to design effective training and education programs that equip individuals with the skills and knowledge to remain competitive candidates in the modern job market. Additionally, the cabinet seeks to streamline and improve existing workforce initiatives to maximize their impact and efficiency.

The cabinet also oversees the One Stop to Start initiative, which provides information and resources for specific industries. Additionally, the initiative provides resources to individuals and employers, such as:

  • tuition-free certification programs
  • apprenticeship and work-based learning opportunities
  • college financial aid
  • diploma and equivalency (GED) programs
  • short-term credential and skill-based training programs
  • employer training grant funding
  • manufacturing readiness grant funding
  • on-site employer training programs
  • tax incentives


One Stop to Start

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