DigiLEARN 's Micro-credentials Partnership of States (MPOS)

Last Updated: Spring 2023

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The Micro-credentials Partnership of States (MPOS), led by DigiLEARN (Digital Learning Institute), is a collaborative multistate effort to identify opportunities and address challenges related to educator micro-credentialing across states, and to develop policy recommendations to support consistency in implementation.  The Partnership’s goal is to develop policy recommendations that support states’ ability to consistently implement micro-credentials as part of high-quality state systems of education and, ultimately, improve teaching and learning in schools. Four states participate in MPOS: North Carolina, Wyoming, South Carolina, and Arkansas. The MPOS released the "Quality Assurance Standards for Micro-Credentials" in late 2022— a resource for educators, school districts, and state leaders to use as they incorporate micro-credentials into systems of professional learning and licensure. The Quality Assurance Standards for Micro-Credentials are in a pilot process for validation. School districts and states are encouraged to use the tools within the report and assist DigiLEARN, the lead intermediary for this effort, with its validation process. A  number of national partners and advisors guide the work of the MPOS including the Research Triangle Institute (RTI International), New America, Learning Forward, Digital Promise, BloomBoard, the Learning Policy Institute, the National Education Association (NEA), and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. The effort has received financial support from the Carnegie Corporation, NEA, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.

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