Essential Learning Outcomes Framework — AAC&U

Last Updated: 03/09/2024

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First released in 2007, the American Association of Colleges and Universities’ (AAC&U) Essential Learning Outcomes Framework has been widely adopted by higher education institutions and by a number of state higher education systems.

Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) define the knowledge and skills gained from a liberal education, providing a framework to guide students’ cumulative progress.

AAC&U revised and updated the framework in 2022 to reflect emerging labor market priorities, growing emphasis on the value of cultivating mindsets and dispositions, and attentiveness to commitments to equity. A working draft of revised outcomes developed and informed by employer and labor market research and by a survey of campus stakeholders was made available for public comment over the summer of 2022.

The revised outcomes list was released in late 2022. The framework includes four ELOs:

  • Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World
  • Intellectual and Practical Skills
  • Personal and Social Responsibility
  • Integrative and Applied Learning

The framework can be leveraged to articulate transferable skills embedded within credentials. It can also assist in leveraging AAC&U’s VALUE Initiative to assess these skills and lend additional credibility to acquired credentials.


From 2005 to 2018, AAC&U led a national public advocacy and campus-action initiative to champion the importance of a liberal education for individual students and for a nation dependent on economic creativity and democratic vitality. At the heart of the initiative—Liberal Education and America’s Promise, or LEAP—was a framework for college-level learning that includes a set of broad learning outcomes, high-impact educational practices, and authentic forms of assessment.

The publication, Making Liberal Education Inclusive, describes the LEAP story within the broader context of AAC&U’s work over two decades to break down the dividing lines between a liberal arts education and career-related fields and combining liberal education with inclusive excellence and equity.


Making Liberal Education Inclusive: The Roots and Reach of the LEAP Framework for College Learning -





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