C-BEN's Interoperability Principles Project

Last Updated: 03/12/2024

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States, institutions, employers, and even federal agencies have a new vision, where individuals can seamlessly share their learning and employment data by using Learning and Employment Records (LERs). Driven by new technologies, LERs reshape not only what is recorded about a person’s knowledge, skills, and capabilities, but also how individuals can freely use their data to pursue employment and further education.

To realize this new vision, data must interoperate; it must be owned and seamlessly shared by individuals. This requires interoperability of the data systems that produce LERs. It also necessitates digital wallets that allow individuals to accumulate multiple records over time that reflect the range of credentials and competencies earned.

To achieve interoperability, both the public and private sectors must act. To guide this action, a set of principles for education and employment data is being created. These principles can be used by the decision makers who provide education and training to millions of Americans each year─including policymakers, state and federal agencies, philanthropy, employers, colleges and universities, K-12 leaders, workforce agencies, and military branches.


Over 60 organizations are helping to guide the development of LERs, and of the principles; once completed, they will help use and disseminate them.




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