Industry Certification Education & Performance Data System Initiative

Last Updated: 03/10/2024

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In 2016, the National Student Clearinghouse, in partnership with the National Association of Manufacturers and the U.S. Census Bureau, launched a project to collect, report, match, aggregate, and analyze records on credit and non-credit education, industry certifications, and employment and earnings.

Work focused on four distinct but complementary tasks: 1) formatting/reporting of attainment records from industry certification providers; 2) formatting/reporting of non-credit course data from state community college systems; 3) matching of credit and non-credit education and certification data and analysis of those matched records to determine combinations of credentials and common education pathways; and 4) matching and analysis of combined education/certification records with employment and earnings data (and the aggregation of that data to meet disclosure requirements).

As part of this fourth task, the Census Bureau matched education records with a set of employment, earnings, and demographic data sets available at that agency. It created a series of aggregate-level reports on the impact of education and credential attainment on labor market outcomes. Data sets from the Census Bureau included UI Wage Records from the Longitudinal Employer–Household Dynamics (LEHD) program, W-2 and 1099 tax records from the Internal Revenue Service, population demographics from the decennial census, and employer demographics from the economic census.

This works has continued with the Clearinghouse analyzing the geographical impacts of wages – how wage levels correspond to geographical location. The initiative examined the types and sizes of employers for the population included in the data, to understand what types of employers are hiring entry-level manufacturing workers. The program focused on assessing retention in the industry over time.; i.e., do workers stay in the manufacturing industry after earning credentials and what does the path forward look like?

The Clearinghouse aims to expand the work to other industries. This requires additional credentialing bodies to partner with the Clearinghouse and the Census Bureau ow that a data-matching model has been piloted.


National Student Clearinghouse, National Association of Manufacturers, Workcred, U.S. Census Bureau, Lumina Foundation


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