Rasmussen University Phase 1 Comprehensive Learning Record Project

Last Updated: 03/09/2024

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Rasmussen University joined a group of institutions in 2022 to help develop the Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR), a skills-based transcript that shows what learners know and can do – not just letter grades and GPA. This work is based in the recognition that the future of higher education is on-demand, digital, and skills-based – and not just the classroom, but also how learning is documented and shared.

The university launched a home-grown CLR across all its competency-based education master's programs to improve comprehensive learner records and better connect to employers. The next phase of Rasmussen's CLR, in collaboration with 1EdTech, is integrating standards into its current model.


The University embraced online education in the early 2000s and has been developing academic programs to fit a competency-based education model.


Rasmussen University, 1EdTech



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