Job Skills for In-Demand Employment (JobSIDE)

Last Updated: 03/10/2024

Relational Map coming soon. Learn more about the work we’re doing with AI and view our example prototypes here.


As the digital transformation of the talent marketplace continues, there is a need for a scalable and trusted way to validate skills with employers. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation launched JobSIDE (Jobs Skills for In-Demand Employment) in November 2022 to make it easier to find qualified workers based on candidate skills rather than credentials.  JobSIDE sources the data on skills and jobs directly from employers and enables education and training programs to align to employer needs. JobSIDE works to improve skills-based hiring and career advancement for all.

JobSIDE tools and applications build on the U.S. Chamber Foundation Talent Pipeline Management® (TPM) Framework. Built by business, for business, the TPM provides employers and their education and workforce development partners with strategies and tools to co-design talent supply chains that connect learners and workers to jobs and career advancement opportunities. Key benefits of TPM include: built on industry best practices; employer-led; generates granular, actionable data on employer demand; provides a structured and agile process for collective action and decision-making; engages the full spectrum of talent sourcing providers; creates shared value, competitiveness, and accountability; and focused on employer ROI.  The TPM complements the TPM/Co/Lab virtual learning platform launched in early 2023.

JOBSIDE leverages a number of resources:


Koch Foundation


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