Postsecondary Value Framework - Postsecondary Value Commission

Last Updated: 03/09/2024

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Developed by the Postsecondary Value Commission (PVC), the Postsecondary Value Framework (PVF) is designed to help colleges and universities identify and measure their own inequities in access, completion, and post-college outcomes in ways which encourage action to improve equitable outcomes and postsecondary value. 

The framework explores the pipeline to equitable value for learners from specific backgrounds, and the value for learners and society that institutional, state, and federal policymakers can deliver. 

The framework includes a series of economic value thresholds that measure whether learners experience different economic returns over time. To account for access and institutional diversity, the framework uses two additional methods: 

  • Economic Value Index (EVI) - calculated by multiplying the percentage of students from a specific population who meet an economic value threshold by the percentage of students from that population who are enrolled in the institution.
  • Economic Value Contribution (EVC) - disaggregated thresholds which measure of the economic contribution that an institution generates by boosting economic returns for a specific population. 

These thresholds and indices are based on research reviewed and conducted by the commission and are detailed in Chapter 3 of the Postsecondary Value Commision’s Final Report.

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Postsecondary Value Commission (PVC)

The PVC was established 2019 to propose a definition of postsecondary value, develop a way to measure that value, and urge action to improve value and make it more equitable. The Commission was composed of 30 diverse higher education leaders and national leaders. It was co-chaired by leaders from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, with managing partner, the Institute for Higher Education Policy


Postsecondary Value Commision. (May 2021). Final Report -Equitable Value: Promoting Economic Mobility and Social Justice through Postsecondary Education. PDF 

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