1EdTech Open Badges Standard

Last Updated: 02/28/2024

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Open Badges are information-rich visual tokens of verifiable achievements earned by recipients and easily shared on the web and via social media. The Open Badges standard describes a method for packaging information about accomplishments, embedding it into portable image files as digital badges, and includes resources for web-based validation and verification. Open Badges describe who earned it, who issued it, the criteria required, and in many cases even the evidence and demonstrations of the relevant skills. The data is all inside the open badge.

The features of 1EdTech's Open Badges include:

  • Information-rich visual tokens of verifiable achievements earned by recipients that can be shared electronically.
  • Represent a single accomplishment that can be listed along with other achievements on a resume or transcript.
  • Describe who earned it, who issued it, and the criteria required. Open Badges can even contain evidence and demonstrations of the relevant skills.
  • Can be linked to frameworks to give further alignment and context to the credential.

Technologically, Open Badges and Comprehensive Learner Records are electronic files that contain metadata about the credential. Both Open Badges and CLRs are presented as JSON or JSON-LD files. Open Badges have a visual image (PNG or SVG) that contains the data, whereas CLRs do not have an image. These images and files can then be posted to a website, shared on social media, or imported into a digital wallet.

Alternate Term

Digital Badges

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