GED - General Educational Development Test

Last Updated 03/12/2024

GED or General Educational Development Test (also can mean General Educational Diploma, Graduate Equivalency Degree, or General Equivalency Diploma) is an alternative to a high school diploma for people who did not complete high school or do not possess a high school completion credential. The GED is obtained by passing a series of standardized tests that an individual takes to assess whether or not the individual has a high school level of education.

The GED Testing Service, in partnership with the American Council on Education, began offering the GED exam nationwide in the early 1940s.  As the Official GED website, GED Testing Service offers a variety of online GED test prep materials available in various formats: online, in-print, and in Spanish or English.

Several services provide products to prepare for GED testing. Products typically include courses or guides for studying for the Language Arts, Reading, and Math sections of the GED exam; tutoring; practice tests, and personalized learning plan.

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