Two-Generation Approach

Last Updated 04/22/2024

Refers to whole-family approaches educational institutions take to intentionally provide processes, policies, and support systems designed to boost retention and accelerate completion of educational programs for students who are parents. Examples of approaches:

  • Braid and blend federal and state funding streams; e.g., Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG).
  • Provide wraparound and bundled services; e.g., health services, benefits access, affordable childcare on campus and single-stop family resource centers.
  • Enforce Title IX protections pertaining to pregnant and parenting students.
  • Build faculty and staff capacity for approaches that support the needs of students who are parents.
  • Provide summer programs for students who are parents and their children to boost retention, accelerate completion, and reduce loss of learning over the summer (“summer slide”) for school-age children.
  • Sponsor Summer Food Services Program (SFSP) which provides summer meals and reduces food insecurity children of eligible students.
  • Increase flexible hours or self-service options through online access to help parenting students more easily obtain public service benefits and avoid missing classes due to hours spent in lines at government agency offices.
  • Offer FASFA and other financial aid preparation workshops to help students who are parents access financial aid and offer financial literacy workshops to educate students about debt prevention and post-graduation financial success.

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