Ethical Standards/Integrity in Credentialing

Last Updated 04/16/2024

Ethics and integrity are crucial to the learn-and-work ecosystem, particular in four areas:

  • Acquiring Credentials. Credentials such as diplomas, degrees, certifications, certificates of accomplishment, licenses, and badges represent an individual's qualifications and expertise in various fields. Credential earners are expected to adhere to ethical behavior; i.e., adhering to the rules and regulations of educational institutions, certification bodies, and licensing authorities. This typically means engaging in honest practices, including completing required coursework, exams, and practical experiences without resorting to plagiarism, cheating, or misrepresentation. Ethical conduct ensures that credentials are earned through genuine effort and knowledge, upholding the integrity of the educational and professional systems.
  • Representing Credentials. Maintaining integrity in the use of credentials is critical. This means individuals accurately represent their qualifications and expertise, without falsification and exaggeration.
  • Awarding Credentials. Credential providers (educational institutions, third-party organizations) are expected to issue credentials that adhere to ethical practices in credential development, assessment and verification, and evaluation. Upholding professional ethics and ethical standards, maintaining confidentiality, and avoiding conflicts of interest are crucial to establishing and preserving trust and reliability in the system of credentialing.
  • Employer / Others' Use of Credentials. Employers, professional organizations, and the general public rely on the accuracy and authenticity of credentials to make informed decisions. Upholding integrity means using credentials truthfully and responsibly, respecting the trust placed in the system and ensuring that individuals are qualified for the roles they undertake.

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