Fraudulent Credentials

Last Updated 02/02/2024

Refers to forged, altered, fake, or misrepresented credentials such as degree, diploma, certification, or other official documentation. Examples include:

  • Presenting a credential from a recognized institution that has been falsified.
  • Presenting a credential from an unrecognized institution (one that may be made up or a diploma mill).
  • Falsely claiming having earned a credential on a letter of application, resume, e-portfolio, and/or during an interview.
  • Falsely indicating the level or outcome of a credential.
  • Presenting an expired credential such as an industry certification or license.

Fraud in the credentialing marketplace can undermine the credibility of educational and professional institutions, lead to unqualified individuals being hired, and create an unfair advantage for those involved in the deception. To address issues of fraud, governmental entities, employers, higher education institutions, and others are implementing measures such as improving verification processes; increasing awareness about the problem; establishing networks and databases to share known instances of credential fraud; and instituting laws and regulations to penalize the use of fraudulent credentials.

See Topic: Fraudulent Credentials

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