Education and Career Navigation Framework - ACT

Last Updated: 04/01/2024

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The Education and Career Navigation Framework was developed by the ACT from its report titled Education & Career Navigation. The framework is a comprehensive structure designed to aid in identifying and organizing the knowledge, skills, and other factors needed to help individuals make informed decisions and plans about education and careers. The framework integrates different research perspectives and sources of information into a holistic taxonomy of what individuals should know and be able to do to navigate their education and work paths effectively.

The creators of the framework define navigation as a process that requires ongoing acquisition of knowledge about oneself and the environment (self-knowledge and environmental factors), informed education and career decision-making and planning (integration), and the implementation and negotiation of actions (managing career and education actions) that facilitate progress throughout one’s education and work-life. The structure of the framework allows users to connect broader concepts to the specific skills that facilitate effective education and career navigation.

The framework has four dimensions, with components and subcomponents within each dimension—20 components and 35 subcomponents. Components and subcomponents were based on information drawn from relevant research and national and international standards, guidelines, and competencies that provide navigation-related information. The components and subcomponents also were identified by examining navigation-related assessments that have been developed to test relevant theories and to facilitate and evaluate interventions.

Ecosystem Relationship

The Education and Career Navigation Framework provides a taxonomy that is useful to learners and workers who are trying to navigate the learn-and-work ecosystem.

See Also

The ACT website provides a more in-depth understanding of the research that informed the creation of the Education and Career Navigation Framework.


ACT. (n.d.). Education and Career Navigation Framework.

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