State Systems of Higher Education / Coordinating Boards

Last Updated 04/07/2024

Governance structures established in most states in the U.S. to develop and implement postsecondary education policy so that it aligns with state and federal statutes; administer academic, financial aid, and workforce programs to include the review and approval of academic programs and research centers; commission and conduct research and analysis and complete data reports; and set tuition rates, administer funding formulas, and allocate funds. Governors often appoint their Chief Operating Officers (CEOs).

State Systems of Higher Education occur in states which centralize governance under boards that oversee multiple institutions within the stat). Functions include managing campus systems and individual institutions; and making decisions related to funding, policies, and overall coordination. Coordinating Boards serve as a liaison between state government and the governing boards of individual higher education institutions. Functions include fostering collaboration and alignment among individual institutions.

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