Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI)

Last Updated 04/12/2024

Refers to an institution of higher education where Hispanic students constitute at least 25% of the total fulltime undergraduate enrollment. HSIs are designated by the U.S. Department of Education based on specific enrollment criteria related to Hispanic student populations. These institutions receive certain federal funding and resources to support their mission of serving Hispanic students and promoting their success in higher education. There are approximately 600 HSIs located in numerous states across the country including California, Texas, Florida, and New York. The number of states with HSIs vary over time as new institutions receive HSI designation and demographic shifts occur within states.

Emerging Hispanic Serving Institutions (EHSIs) have Hispanic student populations constituting more than 15% but less than 25% of the total fulltime undergraduate enrollment. These institutions are recognized for providing support to Hispanic student populations and often become eligible for full HSI designation in the future.

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