Rich Skills Descriptors (RSDs)

Last Updated 04/12/2024

A detailed, machine-readable, standardized representation of skills used in education and in employer hiring processes. RSDs allow educational institutions to design curricula aligned with employer needs to ensure that learners acquire relevant and marketable skills. RSDs allow employers to create job descriptions that attract candidates with the specific competencies needed for a role. This level of specificity can expedite the hiring process and enhance quality matches between job seekers and employers. RSDs typically have the following components:

  • Name: Short, clear, and concise.
  • Skill statement:  Sufficient context to determine how skill is in alignment with Lightcast labor market skills.
  • Category: Skill statement describes how it may be applied for a specific task, occupation, or need.
  • Keywords/Detailed Occupations: Provides information that connects the skill to collections, keywords, employers, alignment to the Standard Occupational Classification system, professional standards and certifications, and/or alignment to Lightcast Open Skills Taxonomy

RSDs build on Credential Engine's Credential Transparency Description Language or CTDL-ASN that enables skill authors to publish definitions that can be referenced from digital credentials, pathways, and job profiles.

RSDs are authored by the owners (providers) of skills.

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