Apprenticeship Accelerator Initiative


The Business Roundtable leads the Apprenticeship Accelerator initiative. The initiative helps companies develop and/or scale their registered apprenticeship programs to expand opportunities to workers who lack a four-year college degree, and to support apprentices’ development and advancement.

In the Apprenticeship Accelerator, companies partner with community colleges to create or enhance apprenticeship programs focused on inclusive hiring models and skills development. The initiative includes a focus on national policy—critical in enabling companies to scale apprenticeships across industries and across functions.


The Apprenticeship Accelerator launched with an initial group of Business Roundtable members, including United and JPMorgan Chase, and will build off of the work of Roundtable members Accenture and Aon in creating apprenticeship networks in Chicago, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Houston, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Boston, and Detroit.


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