Job & Skill Trends Tool – EUROPASS & ESCO


Launched in October 2023, the Job & Skill Trends Tool developed from collaboration between ESCO and Europass as part of the implementation of the European Skills Agenda. The Tool relies on data provided by the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications, and Occupations (ESCO). Europass is committed to maintaining the relevance and usefulness of its tools in response to the changing educational environment and labor market. Combining ESCO skills and occupational data with Europass tools and services helps job seekers understand labor market demand and document their skills based on trends in the marketplace.

Key outcomes of the ESCO / Europass partnership are (1) enhancing labor market transparency, and (2) empowering individuals to make informed career decisions.

Features of the Tool

At the Tool site, individuals can select a country from the dropdown list or click on a map to see which jobs are in high demand across the European Union (EU).  Key features include:

  • Finding the ten occupation groups with the highest "online" demand in the EU countries an individual is interested in. This information is based on the number of available online job advertisements.
  • Finding an occupation that interests individuals and enables them to discover the ten skill groups that, according to the ESCO Classification, are most relevant to that occupation; and which countries in the EU have the largest "online" demand for the relevant occupation group based on the number of online job advertisements.

Data Sources

The Job & Skill Trends Tool uses two main sources of data:

  • ESCO Data: Based on the work of labor market experts, ESCO provides a list of which skills are considered essential and optional across different occupations. The essential and optional skills can be combined into skill groups, which can then be classified according to relevance for an occupation. Europass uses this information to present rankings of skills groups that are most relevant for a certain chosen occupation.
  • Skills OVATE Project: In collaboration with the EU Agency Cedefop and the Web Intelligence Hub initiative of Eurostat, this project collects data from various websites and job boards to identify and classify online job vacancies. Europass uses the data collected through the Skills OVATE Project, to present rankings of occupations in high demand across EU Countries.


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