National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP)

The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) is a nonprofit organization that advances quality college courses for high school students. NACEP's mission is threefold:

  • Support programs and program quality by providing the only national framework of program quality standards. The standards outline the key elements of a quality program. NACEP affirms quality and program excellence via accreditation of dual and concurrent enrollment programs.
  • Support practitioners and the field by providing resources around national best practices, peer-to-peer connections, research, guidance, assistance, and advocacy.  Examples of resources include annual convening and professional development conference, topical workshops, webinars, leadership development programs, and provision of a resource center that includes reports and other publications.
  • Support policy by ensuring that practitioner and other relevant and informed views are at the table for Federal and State Policy conversations.

Key developments in the evolution of NACEP include:

  • 1999 — 20 founding institutions created NACEP, adopted bylaws, and established mission statement.
  • 2002—Released organization’s program quality standards which are used in NACEP accreditation.
  • 2004—The first four concurrent enrollment programs were accredited.
  • 2004+—National accrediting body for concurrent enrollment partnership programs.
  • 2023— Launched grant-funded project to study state policy in dual enrollment program quality, funded by the Gates Foundation. The project provides states with approaches to craft a more equitable and effective dual enrollment policy landscape.

NACEP membership includes more than 500 institutions and organizations that represent thousands of education professionals from K12 and higher education who work in dual and concurrent enrollment programs.

Colleges and university programs are accredited following comprehensive peer review by a team of experienced representatives from NACEP-accredited concurrent enrollment programs. Applicants conduct a self-study and prepare an accreditation application that requires evidence documenting how the higher education institution implements NACEP’s national standards for program quality in six areas: 1) partnerships, 2) faculty, 3) assessment, 4) curriculum, 5) student, and 6) program evaluation.

See Topic: Concurrent and Dual Enrollment

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