Catalyze Registry

Last Updated: 03/12/2024

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On November 2, 2022, President Biden announced commitments made by more than 350 organizations in 50 states and territories as part of the Infrastructure Talent Pipeline Challenge (nationwide call to action for making tangible commitments supporting equitable workforce development focused on quality infrastructure jobs). This included more than $70 million in aligned philanthropic commitments from foundations working with America Achieves, the Families and Workers Fund, and the What Works Plus Collaborative to advance the goals of the Challenge by helping to ensure a diverse, qualified talent pool for quality infrastructure jobs impacting tens of thousands of underrepresented workers.

Subsequently, America Achieves and the What Works Plus Collaborative launched the Catalyze Registry. The Registry is an innovative hub and matchmaking service to connect promising local talent pipeline initiatives – which seek to build skilled, diverse talent pools for upwardly mobile infrastructure jobs – with foundations and other nonprofit organizations that might fund those efforts.

The goals of the Registry are to:

  1. Increase philanthropic funding to scale effective infrastructure talent and workforce development initiatives – and to launch promising new efforts.
  2. Ensure foundations have easy access to promising initiatives that match closely to their interests and have been carefully analyzed.
  3. Enable initiatives to efficiently share their proposals with a wide variety of foundations –and to give coalitions and organizations that completed applications for targeted federal funding programs additional opportunities for funding.

Regions or coalitions sign up for the Registry by filling out an intake form and providing the option for coalitions to share materials already submitted or to be submitted for federal grant opportunities. In addition to any federal funding proposals, teams will be able to upload photos, and other materials that explain to funders the transformative potential of the proposal to create pathways to good jobs in in-demand infrastructure sectors, like broadband, construction, and electrification. Intake forms will be reviewed for accuracy, completeness and relevance, including, that the initiative includes efforts to build skilled, diverse talent pools for upwardly mobile infrastructure jobs.

A philanthropy becomes part of the registry by registering as a philanthropic funder. Funders will indicate which type of federal funding applicants they are most interested in and share the type of regions or initiatives they want to learn more about.


America Achieves, the What Works Plus Collaborative


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