First-year Success

Last Updated 04/18/2024

In higher education, refers to the achievement and positive outcomes of learners during their first year at a college or university. This includes their academic performance, social integration, emotional well-being, and retention rates. Students who experience first-year success are more likely to feel confident in their abilities, develop a sense of belonging to the academic community, and persist in their educational journey. Examples of efforts that promote first-year success:

  • Freshman Orientation Programs: Some institutions offer comprehensive orientation programs (workshops, social activities) to familiarize incoming learners with campus resources, academic expectations, and support services.
  • First-Year Experience Courses: Some institutions offer courses specifically tailored to the needs of first-year learners. These typically focus on improving core academic skills (e.g., computer literacy, study skills, library skills), time management techniques, seeking learner supports (career and academic advising, childcare, financial aid assistance, tutoring), and fostering a sense of community among faculty and peers (e.g., use of freshmen learning communities/cohort models). They often provide personalized support and guidance to help learners thrive academically and socially in their first year.

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